Some dreams are simply waiting to come true. Independence, freedom,adventure, not knowing today where you will be tomorrow – fancy-free
instead of binding reservations, drive on as you like when the weather is not suitable.
There are good reasons for the decision to buy a motor home, most of all one thought of by the ‘inventor’ of motor homes or rather converted vans: Westfalia. More than 65 years ago an officer in the British Army on the Rhine visited us and he had dreams just like you have. He wanted to have his T1 converted so that he could use it not only as a transporter but also as a motor home. We fulfilled his dream at that time. And we could also fulfil yours with our new Amundsen models.
The experience of more than 65 years and tens of thousands manufactured vehicles go into each model leaving Gotha‘s assembly line in Thüringen. This also applies to the new Amundsen motor homes, the 540 D, the 600 E and the 600 D.
Despite their limited dimensions of approx. 5.41m and 5.99 m respectively,
they feature everything a motor home needs: A comfortable living area, a
kitchen with optimised functions, a generous sleeping area and a sophisticated bathroom. Step inside! Come on board and get one step closer to your dream.