Knaus Tabbert

Knaus Tabbert
Knaus Tabbert: Premium brands KNAUS and WEINSBERG are establishing themselves as leading brands for motorhomes in Germany
Knaus Tabbert – Following the strong growth spurt in the fourth quarter of 2022, the registration data for the end of March 2023 shows a sustained positive continuation of business development at Knaus Tabbert.
In the first three months of the current fiscal year 2023, 135% or 1,020 more motorhomes and camper vans of the premium brand KNAUS were registered in Germany than in the same period of 2022. Consequently, the market share for new registrations in Germany, Europe’s most important sales market for leisure vehicles, also increased to a strong 9.6% (prior‐year period: 4.3%). And this makes KNAUS by far the strongest brand for motorhomes in Germany in terms of new registrations.

“We have addressed the supply chain issues with foresight in terms of a long‐term sustainable strategy. This means we have added four new chassis suppliers, launched 16 new model options based on the new chassis from Mercedes, MAN, VW and Ford for the current 2023 season (August 2022 – July 2023) and further strengthened our Rent and Travel digital rental brand. With the clear result of market leadership in new registrations in Germany‟ said Gerd Adamietzki, CSO
The WEINSBERG brand also secured a top position in the registration statistics with a market share of 5.8% (prior‐year period: 4.3%) as of the end of March 2023 and currently occupies fourth place in Germany.
“This extremely gratifying business development is based not only on the successful implementation of our multi‐brand strategy for chassis but also, of course, to a significant extent on a strong and established dealer network,‟ commented Wolfgang Speck, CEO of Knaus Tabbert AG. „We are pleased with this very positive development and will continue and even strengthen the measures taken for all Group brands. Innovative product solutions, technological progress and state‐of‐the‐art design form the success factors to sustainably establish our premium and luxury brands as market leaders in the European market.‟