Philippe Gerboin handing over key account management South-Europe

After 26 years of dedicated service to the RV market, Philippe Gerboin is retiring as Thetford’s key account manager South-Europe on February 1st, 2022, leaving a complete and experienced Thetford SARL team behind. Fabrizio di Piazza is taking over his key account management responsibilities.
RV market development
Philippe Gerboin joined Thetford on June 12th, 1996, so almost 26 years ago, as managing a subsidiary of an international company with sales responsibilities was his ambition. As he joined the RV industry, it was still a market with a lot of independent OEMs.
Gerboin: “About 20 small to medium independent OEMS were spread all over France, Spain and Italy. Nowadays all RV
manufacturers in South-Europe belong to big, professional OEM groups like Trigano, Rapido and Pilote. Also, in the aftermarket several independent retail groups came to the market.”
Growing responsibilities
Gerboin was hired by the current CEO of Thetford, Stéphane Cordeille, who used to be responsible for the French office in the past. Gerboin:” I feel lucky to cooperate with Stéphane Cordeille for so many years. He trusted me and continuously challenged me with new responsibilities. I started as sales manager France, then became in charge of Spain Portugal to end up as key account manager South Europe.”
Thetford culture
Gerboin:” I always appreciated the Thetford culture and strategy. A strong balance between customer intimacy and innovation is an important key factor, to my opinion. Next to that, our customer service policy, including 3 years warranty with a responsive customer service team, is an important basis for our customers satisfaction. On the question ‘What makes you really feel proud?’
Gerboin states:” Thetford’s introduction of refrigerators in the early 2000’s was a big challenge. Many players in the RV market were convinced Thetford couldn’t manage such big change. After 20 years, Thetford became a major refrigeration supplier in the RV industry.”

” By the way, it’s the Thetford culture that I will most as well, “Gerboin states. “Thetford is a midsize company, where we all know each other well, and colleagues became good friends.”
Phillipe Gerboin is leaving Thetford SARL with a peace of mind. “The French team, in whom I have complete confidence, is complete and experienced. A two-headed management will take over with the same spirit that was
mine. Fabrizio di Piazza is taking over sales responsibilities for South Europe and Marie Boulanger, General Manager
Sales & Service, will manage the French Thetford office. I will remain a Thetford friend, but long live the retirement!”