The 10th All in..

Michael Degen, Executive Director der Messe Dsseldorf, Stefan Koschke, Project Director des CARAVAN SALON DSSELDORF und Daniel Onggowinarso, Geschftsfhrer des Caravaning Industrie Verbandes e.V. (CIVD), stellen auf der Pressekonferenz Themen und Highlights des diesjhrigen CARAVAN SALON, das umfangreiche Hygienekonzept sowie die aktuellen Fahrzeugtrends und Branchenzahlen vor. Der 60. CARAVAN SALON findet vom 28. August bis 5. September 2021 (Fachbesucher- und Medientag am 27. August) statt und steht wie keine andere Freizeitmesse fr die Leidenschaft, die alle Freunde des Caravanings verbindet. In 13 Hallen und auf dem Freigelnde werden rund 645 Aussteller die Trends, Innovationen und Neuheiten der kommenden Saison zeigen.
The 10th All in CARAVANING Concluded with a Record-breaking Success
AIC 2021 – the 10th All in CARAVANING came to a successful conclusion at Beijing Etrong International Exhibition & Convention Center on June 20th. “We are so delighted to once again present a high-quality trade show to the industry. During the three-day event, we welcomed a new record of 25,448 visitors. This fact not only underlines the importance of AIC for the Chinese RV industry but also shows that face to face meetings are demanded than ever before.” Mr. Marius Berlemann, General Manager of Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. concluded.
On the business side, the show produced remarkable results. Exhibitors and visitors were highly satisfied with the outcome, which exceeded expectations in many respects. New exhibition zones as well as exciting concurrent events received positive response. The lively atmosphere at AIC shows that caravanning is becoming increasingly popular in China. People’s desire for travelling and exploration of the world makes this traveling style charming and meaningful.
The indoor and outdoor exhibition area totaled 39,000 square meters and welcomed more than 200 brands, attracting 25,448 visitors in total, up by 6% compared to the previous year. More than 550 caravan models of different price ranges were on display.
Responses from the exhibitors with high satisfaction
Many manufacturers see AIC as a great platform for launching new vehicle models. In view of the one-year delay due to the pandemic, exhibitors went the extra mile by presenting a wide range of new models for caravanning fans. More than 20 manufacturers exclusively unveiled their latest vehicle models at the AIC.
The outdoor equipment zone is a new addition this year and has become one of the most popular areas at AIC. Visitors showed strong interest in buying the tents, camping products and various outdoor items on offer. The exhibition area with technical accessories, equipment and extension parts was also very popular. In particular, the Innovation Zone and the German Pavilion, where products “Made in Germany” were presented, attracted the attention of many visitors. As the first international pavilion at a leisure fair in China, the German Pavilion was initiated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and co-organised by the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry. The varied accompanying programme on all aspects of mobile leisure was also successfully received.
AIC 2022 will be held at the Beijing Etrong International Exhibition & Convention Center next June. A new journey for the next decade begins here. For more information, please visit