Thetford Europe decides not to participate in any exhibition until end of 2020

Thetford Europe decides not to participate in any exhibition until end of 2020
After careful consideration, Thetford has decided to break a long-standing tradition this year. Thetford Europe will not participate in any exhibition, starting with the Caravan Salon in Düsseldorf, until the end of 2020. Stéphane Cordeille, CEO of Thetford: “It was very hard for us to make this decision, but in the end, this turned out to be the most sensible choice for us. As a supplier, we do not sell at shows, but we are fully focused on offering service towards end users, and on interaction with OEM’s, wholesalers and dealers. We fully trust the measures that show organisers are taking for the health and safety of visitors and exhibitors. But at the same time these measures are likely to make it very difficult for us to reach any of our goals during show presence, and therefore our main purpose to participate is gone. In the second part of 2020 we will further intensify our digital communication. We are convinced that this way we are more than able to update our professional partners and end-users on our latest product developments. The entire Thetford team will be looking forward to see all our appreciated business partners in 2021 when we hopefully can operate normally again.”